The Bard Award: Games With Suberb Stories
This is a new one. I haven't reviewed anything in a hot second, but I had a thought earlier today when I was clearing my computer of porn and music. I was going through all the games I have ever played in my head and said, "DiZ, how many stories in these games gave your digital self a stiffy?" I say several. Good stories in games are coming through more and more, and I can't complain. I'm a writer and I love good stories. When a game combines a good story with good gameplay and good graphics then you have a great game. That's why I'm so giddy over Chrono Cross. To say that that is a candidate for my favorite game of all time is a massive understatement; Chrono Cross is my favorite RPG ever, bar none. As for game, well, I can't say.
Still, a good story is required for a game like Chrono Cross. Why? It's an RPG. Role Playing Games need a good story to keep the game moving; what's the point of getting stronger if the characters forever stay in place? Square-Enix knows how essential a good story is for an RPG, hence the unprecedented success of the Final Fantasy series and all other games they've created. Even The Bouncer had a decent story; VERY farfetched, but at least it was applicable. Sion still one of my favorite video game characters of the PS2's reign.
Still, while RPG's are almost destined to have a good story (I know from experience that the "almost" is essential for this post) there aren't many other games that need that great story. Fighting games, for example, don't need such a thing. I've been trying to figure out what was going on in Street Fighter since it was eating away at quarters from millions worldwide in its initial days, and I'm just as confused now as I was nearly twenty years ago. In essence they are the only genre that can get away with a piss poor story too.
It's when stories excel, however, that the game can be elevated to a level of prominence. I don't think we give enough credit to the games that have great stories and little popularity. Peerless storytelling outside of an RPG is something that deserves the highest praise in gaming, I promise you. So this is just a little tribute to a few of the games that deserve that greatness.
- Silent Hill 2

I should have said the Silent Hill series for this, but Silent Hill 2 takes the cake for having the most memorable story. You will never forget it, nor will you talk about it unless the person you are talking to has completed the story. That is all.
- Shadow of the Colossus

- Was I the bad guy?
- Did I do the right thing?
- Why am I am (spoiler) now?
- Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
Adventure games have great stories too. Dreamfall takes the cake as the best sci-fi story I have ever played outside of an

Well, there's a little tribute. I'll be back at a later time. Peace y'all.